Nightmare on Elm Street: The film opens with the construction of a bladed glove which is undoubtedly one of the most famous introductions in Horror cinema. A Nightmare on Elm Street is a very popular Horror film that was released in 1984. The main character that everyone recognizes is without a doubt Freddy Krueger. Most audiences will also notice that the film stars Johnny Depp. The film should be eerie for teenage audiences because most teenagers have to deal with constantly being tired or being on the edge of falling asleep all day long. Of course they only nonexistent aspect of the film is the fact that the kids are being butchered in their sleep. The actors do a good job with what they are given in the script. Actor Nick Corri is the only one with the cheesy lines.If you want to consider yourself a true Horror movie buff then you have to see this.
Night is the New Day by Katatonia: This is an interesting album that most mainstream music listeners should enjoy. The music consists of Gothic Metal with a bit more acoustics being thrown into the mix. There are the occasional heavy moments but most of the album is softer. Jonas Renkse uses his cleans vocals to an excellent effect. He doesn’t use any death growls or shrieks. He doesn’t hit any spectacular notes but he does a fine job. The lyrics mainly describe sadness in various forms. It is a good album for teenagers who want to find something other than what is in the mainstream.